الكتابة الابداعية وعلاقتها بالتفكير العلمي عند طلبة الدراسات العليا في أقسام اللغة العربية


  • م. عبد الرضا يحيى حسن


The current research aims to identify:

 1-The level of creative writing ability among graduate students in the Arabic Language Department.

 2- The level of scientific thinking ability among graduate students in the Arabic Language Department.

 3- The correlation between creative writing and scientific thinking among graduate students in the Arabic Language Department.

 To achieve the research objectives, the researcher followed the procedures of the descriptive method, the correlational method, because it is the appropriate method, and two tools had to be available, the first to measure (creative writing), and the second to measure (scientific thinking) among graduate students in the Arabic Language Department in the Colleges of Education for the Humanities, and for this reason  The researcher prepared two tests, the first of which was a test that measured creative writing skills. It included (25) items. He presented it to a group of arbitrators to extract the apparent validity, the discriminating power of the items and reliability in two ways, Cronbach’s alpha, and the reliability coefficient in it reached (84%), in order to achieve the objectives of the research.  The researcher applied the two tools to a sample of students from the University of (Babylon, Karbala) selected by a random stratified method, which amounted to (207) male and female students, a basic sample. The other test measured scientific thinking. It included (50) items, (40) of which were objective questions and (10)  Of the essay type, he presented it to a group of arbitrators to extract apparent validity, extract the discriminatory power of the items and reliability in two ways, and the reliability coefficient using the Cronbach’s alpha method reached (91%)

 The researcher used appropriate statistical methods to achieve the two objectives of the research, which are: the equation of the t-test for two independent samples, as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient, the chi-square for goodness of fit, and the Cronbach’s alpha equation.

 The research reached the following results:

1- Students of the College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Babylon, fourth stage, gender (male, female), have the ability to write creatively.

2- Students of the Faculties of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Babylon (fourth stage) enjoy scientific thinking.

3- There are no differences between males and females in creative writing and scientific thinking.

4- There is a positive correlation between creative writing and scientific thinking among university students.




