التَّوجيه الإعرابي عند الدكتور مهدي المخزومي دراسة نحويَّة نقديَّة


  • م. د. قاسم درهم كاطع


    Arab scholars - in the past and in the present - held extensive chapters to discuss the phenomenon of parsing. As it represents the most prominent phenomenon in the Arabic language. The largest proof of this is that the occurrence of melody in the parsing of the Noble Qur’an was a major motivation for the establishment of grammar. Since that time, grammarians have expanded their search for everything related to this phenomenon. Seeking to reveal its laws and secrets. It is no secret that This is one of the phenomena that is still under investigation. Therefore, from time to time, a new point of view appears, presented by some of the elite practitioners of grammar. Naturally, this causes a difference of opinion, which leads other researchers to verify their health and safety. Therefore, in this research, we try to stand at Dr. Makhzoumi's point of view: Being a wide spread in the field of modern studies.               




