أساليب التعلم في مادة الفيزياء لدى طلبة الصف الرابع العلمي


  • أ.د. هادي كطفان العبد الله
  • الباحثة : عفاف كامل الشرهانيَ


اساليب التعلم, مادة الفيزياء


    The current research aimed to identify the learning styles in physics for fourth-grade students, and the differences in learning styles in physics for fourth-grade science students depending on the gender variable, as the current research was limited to a sample of (500) students from the fourth-grade science students. In the preparatory and secondary government day schools of the Directorate of Diwaniyah Education - the center of the morning study, and for the academic year (2021-2020 AD), they were chosen by random stratified method, and on the basis of proportional distribution. For fourth grade students of science, based on the Kolb models Which consisted of four dimensions represented in: (sensory experiences, contemplative observation, abstract concepts, effective experimentation), and it consists of (24) paragraphs in its final form and after checking the psychometric properties of the scale, since validity was extracted in two ways: content validity and construction validity. As well as extracting the stability for each of the dimensions by two methods of testing - re-testing and the Alpha Kro-Nbach equation for internal consistency. After completing the construction of the research tool, the application was applied to the final research sample of (500) male and female students, and the statistical bag for social sciences (Spss)) was used in data processing, and the research concluded that there is a use of the methods of learning physics represented by the following methods (divergent, representative, convergent). adaptive) These methods were statistically significant for the students of the fourth scientific grade, and it became clear that the representational learning style got the first place in several divergent learning style, then the adaptive style, then the convergent style in terms of its common use. There are also statistically significant differences (in the divergent learning style and in favor of females depending on For the gender variable, there are statistically significant differences in the representative learning method in favor of males according to the gender variable, there are statistically significant differences in the convergent learning method in favor of males according to the gender variable, there are statistically significant differences in the adaptive learning method in favor of males according to the gender variable. In light of the results of the research, the researcher came out with a number of recommendations and suggestions, including the development of traditional teaching methods into modern teaching methods that take into account individual differences according to each learning method. And conducting a study to find the relationship between the methods of learning physics and some other variables (methods of thinking, critical thinking, achievement, the efficiency of cognitive representation of information).


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