الطلاق اسبابه واثاره دراسة -اجتماعية ميدانية في مدينة الديوانية


  • م. بشرى جلاوي محمد
  • م. باحث. فاطمة حيدر نعمة


الطلاق, المطلقات


 The phenomenon of divorce is considered one of the dangerous social phenomena and has a direct impact on the individual, his family, and society because of its negative psychological, social, and educational effects. Divorce is a social and personal problem. Therefore, the research tried to study the concept of divorce and what are the most important factors that lead to the occurrence of divorce between spouses. The research studied the most important consequences. Of divorce on divorced women, divorced men, and the children of divorced persons, and also focused on studying the most important effects on the family and society, while making some recommendations that the two researchers believe limit the occurrence of divorce. The importance of the research lies in the fact that divorce is one of the serious social problems that threaten the security of the family and society, and this has been observed recently. The spread of this negative phenomenon in Arab societies in general and Iraqi society in particular. Therefore, it is necessary to study this dangerous phenomenon and find out its causes. The research is considered descriptive and analytical research. The two researchers used the social survey method to collect data and information because this method is the most appropriate for studying the subject. The two researchers found several The most important results were:

  • The results of the research confirm, from the perspective of the respondents, the danger of divorce to the individual and society due to the mutual influence between the individual and society..
  • The results of the research confirmed that most of the age groups in which divorce occurs are young people, especially those under the age of 20 to 30 years. This period of youth, especially those under 20 years old, is characterized by the fact that they are not socially mature and unable to bear social responsibility and have not They reach the stage of maturity and correct judgment, and this stage is characterized by irritability, anger, and fanaticism, thus making incorrect decisions..
  • The results confirmed that marital infidelity is one of the reasons that lead to divorce
  • The results confirmed that wrong cultures, especially regarding the issue of patriarchal authority and guardianship in favor of men, have taken on broad dimensions and have an impact on the marital relationship, due to the man’s lack of respect for his wife and children, his use of oppression and coercion in dealing with them, and the lack of advice and understanding between them, which led to divorce.


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