الحياة الاجتماعية للمؤرخ الأستاذ الدكتور جعفر عباس حميدي
The importance of this research stems from how to consider the creation of a solid academic system in terms of the availability ofavailable means and methods of teaching curricula that contribute to building the personality of the professorIn the last era, academic scientific efforts have emerged that have been concerned with the study of academic, cultural and scientificpersonalities, as these personalities have devoted their lives to serving their country with scientific and cognitive research. These studies did not include a study of those who died, but rather includedscientists and contemporary personalities who are still alive, in order to document their biography and scientific results. Therefore, it was necessary to shed light on the recording and documentation of the translation of the life of the historian, Professor Dr. Jaafar Abbas Hamidi, because of his noble character and humility, characterized by a tolerant and unbiased personality. He presented many researches and studies that were considered a reference for important eras of modern and contemporary history. Themes dealt with in the first axis his lineage and his family, where Dr. Jaafar Abbas Hamidi belongs to the Al-Bahili clan and his family consists of eight sons. The second axis is his birth and upbringing Several factors contributed to the crystallization of the personality of Professor Dr. Jaafar Abbas S. Hamidi, including the nature of the city of Qal’at Salih, and the other factor is his education and his desire to read about the history of Iraq .
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