الانفعالات الاكاديمية وعلاقتها بالاحتراق النفسي لدى طلبة الجامعة (دراسة نفسية مقارنة)


  • أ.م. رقية رافد شاكر
  • استاذ مشارك د. حليمة الفيلكاوي


الاحتراق النفسي, طلبة الجامعة, العراق, الكويت


The research aims to measure the level of academic emotions among university students, measure the level of psychological burnout among university students, and identify the differences in the two variables according to gender (males - females) and country (Iraq - Kuwait), and the extent of the contribution of academic emotions to psychological burnout for the sample labeled university students, and the number of students reached 700 male and female students. The statistical results showed that university students have a low level of psychological burnout, amounting to (18%) of the research sample, higher than the percentage of those who have a high level, amounting to (15%). The results indicated that there are no differences according to the gender variable for academic emotions, and there are no differences according to the variable Gender for psychological burnout, and the results indicated that there is a difference in favor of Iraq according to academic emotions, and there are no differences according to the country for psychological burnout, and the research came out with a number of recommendations and proposals.



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