أنماط السيطـــرة الـــدمـــــاغيــةَ وعلاقتها بالحـــاجــة الـــى المعرفـــــــة لدى طلبة الجامعة


  • م. د. فارس هارون رشيد
  • الباحثة ابتهاج خضير جبار




     The concept of Hemispheric Dominance indicates that each individual has his own unique style in dealing with the information he is exposed to. The researches in this field have confirmed that each hemisphere of the brain has its own functions through which the individual can deal with different life situations, as the left hemisphere of the brain controls verbal skills and logical and rational analysis, while the right hemisphere of the brain controls the perception of visual and spatial skills, and emotions. And the intuitive holistic analysis, which depends on the structure of educational situations instead of analyzing them into their components, as is the case in the left.

      The studies that dealt with the concept of Hemispheric Dominance have greatly contributed to the process of understanding and developing theories about many neurological and psychological phenomena in natural and pathological cases, and knowledge refers to the psychological processes through which the sensory input is transformed, developed, shortened, and stored until it is called in life situations with appropriate excitations, and psychological processes in perception, thinking, imagination, transformation and storage.

        The changes and transformations imposed by the brilliant scientific achievements in various fields of cognitive, as to the extent that these transformations and changes have positive effects on the march of humanity, they have disadvantages and huge challenges that affected the whole world.

The human brain, despite the many studies that have taken place around it, remains a confusing secret for scientists, and its secrets are not easily discovered because it is linked to various human fields and their multiple problems. That is, the role of the left hemisphere of the brain is in control of the functions of the right side of the body. Conversely, although each half performs its own set of functions that distinguish it from the other.

    The need for cognitive is one of the important human needs of individuals, as it pushes them to obtain more information on a permanent and continuous basis in pursuit of acquiring and increasing information. Although there are specialized functions for each side of the brain, the highest levels of intellectual performance appear when the two parts of the brain cooperate together. Left-brain instructional exercises (most learning goals and experiences that students plan for) are deepened when the right brain includes learning experiences, and when we try to understand the need for cognitive well, we must look at its relationship with the variable of fear of knowledge and the need for security and a sense of reassurance, as all factors, whether psychological and social, can increase our fears, which contributed to cutting our motivation to cognitive.

In order to determine the research procedures, the researchers chose a sample of (285) male and female students at the University of Al-Qadisiyah for the two specializations (scientific and human). Brain control among university students according to the variables of gender (males - females) and specialization (males and females) and the interaction between them.

 We are looking to identify the difference in the hypothetical and arithmetic mean of university students in the variable need for cognitive and we are also looking to identify the difference in the variable need for cognitive among university students according to the variables of gender (males - females) and specialization (males and females) and the interaction between them. We are looking to identify the correlational relationship between the research variables, the preferences of Hemispheric Dominance and the need for cognitive among university students. The researchers also adopted a tool to measure brain control represented by the (Diane, 2005) scale  was translated into Arabic by (Al-Qaddumi 2010) and another to measure the need for cognitive (Cacioppo & Petty , 1982) and it was translated into Arabic by Jaradat and Al-Ali (2010), and the validity was verified the two tools by extracting some suitable psychometric properties.

The researchers reached a number of results, including that the dominant hemispheric dominance pattern among university students is the integrative brain control pattern, and there are no differences among university students in the variables of hemispheric dominance according to the variables of gender (males - females) and specialization (males and females) with an interaction with Statistical significance between them, and there is a difference between the hypothetical mean and the arithmetic average in the variable need for knowledge among university students, and there are no differences among university students in the variables of the need for cognitive according to the variables of gender (males - females) and specialization (males and females), and there is no interaction between them, and the presence of An inverse correlation with a statistical significance between the two variables of the research with a correlation degree (-0.302), and in light of the results reached, the research presented a set of recommendations and suggestions


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