القيمة التنبؤية لكفاءة الذات المهنية بالتفكير الاستراتيجي والنضج المهني لدى مدرسي ومدرسات المرحلة الإعدادية


  • م.م فايق رياض محمد


occupational self-competence, strategic thinking, occupational maturity, middle school teachers


The current research aims to:

1-statistical significance of the correlation relationship between:

A-occupational self-competence and strategic thinking of middle school teachers

B-occupational self-competence and occupational maturity of teachers of the preparatory stage

2-statistical significance of the differences in the correlation between occupational self-efficacy and strategic thinking among teachers of the preparatory stage according to a variable:

A-gender (Male-Female)

B-years of service (less than five years– more than five years)

3-statistical significance of the differences in the correlation between occupational self-efficacy and occupational maturity of teachers of the preparatory stage according to a variable:

A-gender (Male-Female)

B-years of service (less than five years– more than five years)

4-the predictive value of occupational self-efficacy in strategic thinking and occupational maturity of middle school teachers

To achieve the research objectives, the researcher selected a random sample using the Thomson equation to extract a sample of (332) middle school teachers for academic year (2022/2023) distributed in a random proportional manner according to the Cochrane equation and applied the three research tools using the appropriate statistical tools, including confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient and extracted the honesty and consistency of the research tools and reached the following results : There is a statistically significant correlation between occupational  self-efficacy, strategic thinking, occupational  self-efficacy and occupational  maturity. There are statistically significant differences in the correlation between occupational self-efficacy and strategic thinking according to gender variables and years of service. there are no statistically significant differences in the correlation between occupational self-efficacy and occupational maturity according to gender variable. there are statistically significant differences in the correlation between occupational self-efficacy and occupational maturity according to variable years of service. in light of these results, the researcher developed a set of recommendations and proposals.


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