التشارك العاطفي وعلاقته بالدافعية الاستباقية لدى مديري المدارس


  • أ . م. د طارق محمد بدر
  • الباحثة: آمال ابراهيم غازي


Emotional sharing, proactive motivation, school principals


The researchers sought to identify the correlation between emotional engagement and proactive motivation among school principals through a set of objectives represented by identifying:

  • Emotional sharing among school principals.
  • The significance of the difference in emotional sharing according to the variables of gender (males, females) and school type (secondary, primary) among school principals
  • Proactive motivation among the total research sample
  • The significance of the difference in the proactive motivation scale according to the variables of gender (males, females) and school type (secondary, primary) among school principals.
  • Correlational relationship between emotional engagement and proactive motivation among school principals.

To achieve the objectives of the current research, the two researchers built a measure of emotional participation, which in its final form consisted of (30) items, and a measure of proactive motivation, which consisted of (32) items, and after verifying the validity, reliability and statistical analysis of the items on the research sample of (400) of male and female directors in The center of Al-Diwaniyah Governorate, and they were chosen by a multi-stage random method, and the research reached the following results.

  • The research sample (school principals) have emotional involvement.
  • There is no statistically significant difference for school principals according to the variables of gender and school type, with no statistically significant difference in the interaction of gender and school type.
  • The research sample (school principals) have proactive motivation.
  • There is no statistically significant difference for school principals in proactive motivation according to the variables of gender and school type, with no statistically significant difference in the interaction between gender and school type.
  • There is a positive direct correlation between emotional engagement and

    proactive motivation among school principals, which amounted to (64,0).


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