أشكال الكفاءة التداوليةٌ في شعر عبد الرحيمٌ محمود وآلياٌت التأثيرٌ البلاغًي


  • أ.م.د. مهند مرموص عبود


The mechanisms of rhetorical influence - called for by Aristotle - are based on persuasion and have received development in terminology and representations at the hands of Brielman in The New Rhetoric 1958 AD when he stipulated two things for rhetorical influence: The first: the organizational dimension and the second: the aesthetic dimension, and linking them in the speech with the intention of directing the addressee through successive mechanisms of influence through statement and implication, when the creator creates his text through previous texts. Through it we can make an aesthetic approach, and because our goal in this endeavor is to reveal the nature of (pragmatic competence, mechanisms of rhetorical influence), we chose contemporary poetry full of pragmatic competence by the poet (Abdul Rahim Mahmoud) to make it a field of research.




