تضمين الموضوعة السياسية في دراما السيرة التلفزيونية المسلسل العربي ( أسمهان أنموذجًا )


  • م . بهجت عبد الواحد عبد الله


    Biography television drama is considered one of the important dramatic works that occupy a space in television production, and its importance is demonstrated by the fact that it specializes in shedding light on the life history of prominent figures worthy of mention.

   It is natural for the character’s biography to include many aspects of his life, including the political aspect through the political events that the character experienced that influenced and were affected by the nature of the character, his inclinations, and the circumstances he experienced. The research came in four chapters. The first chapter discussed the problem of the research, its importance, the need for it, its goals, limits, and terminology. While the second chapter (the theoretical framework) contained three sections, the first was the concept of the biography, the second was the drama of the television biography, its specificity and importance, and the third was the political axis in the drama of the television biography, then the indicators of the theoretical framework. The third chapter contained the research procedures and analysis of the sample, and the fourth chapter contained the results and conclusions, then a list of sources .




