التفسير بالقبس النبويّ " الأصول ومرجعياتها "


  • أ.م .د مسلم شاكر جبر


Prophetic hadith, quotations, snapshots, Al-Bahr Al-Zakhar, interpretive rule


It seems that the lack of prophetic interpretation of a wisdom that God Almighty wanted, which is that the Qur’an should remain an open book over time. If the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family, had explained to the Arabs what their time could bear and their understandings could tolerate, the Qur’an would have stagnated and the crisis, and the ages with their tools and means, would have been demolished. For the words of the Messenger are a definitive link. But he


left the history of humanity to explain the book of humanity, so consider the wisdom of that silence, a “miraculous” that only those who have their brains removed from their heads can be arrogant in, as stated in “The School of the Crowd.”

Therefore, these research papers came from “exclusively from the sources of the Public School,” by selecting quotations and explanatory snapshots, to find a logical solution closer to accepting that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, interpreted the Qur’an on two levels: (the general level) within the limits of need and requirements of the actual situation, and for this reason it did not comprehend the entire Qur’an. The scarcity of interpretative narrations on the authority of the Companions on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, is due to the fact that the interpretation is on the (general level) and (the specific level): a comprehensive and complete interpretation with the aim of finding someone who carries the heritage of the Qur’an and is completely integrated with it to the degree that allows it to be a reference. After that, this is supported by the frequent texts indicating that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, established the principle of authority (Ahl al-Bayt), peace be upon them.


❖ القرآن الكريم

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