مدى تمكن طلبة اقسام اللغة العربية في كليات التربية من تصويب الأخطاء في أساليب الطلب (أسلوب الاستفهام أنموذجًا) وعلاقته بتفكيرهم الاستنباطي


  • أ.م.د : حسين كريم فوزان


الاخطاء, الاستفهام, الاستنباطي


This research aims to achieve the following objectives:

1-Discovering the possibility of correcting errors in the interrogative style of students in Arabic language departments in colleges of education.

2- Revealing the significance of the differences in correcting errors in the interrogative style of university students according to gender (males and females).

3- Detecting deductive thinking among students of Arabic language departments in colleges of education.

4- Revealing the significance of differences in deductive thinking among university students according to gender (males and females).

5- Revealing the type of relationship between correcting errors in the interrogative style of students in Arabic language departments in colleges of education and their deductive thinking.To achieve these goals, the researcher followed the descriptive (correlational) research approach, and defined his research population as students in the Arabic language departments in colleges of education (morning study), and the basic research sample was selected in a random stratified manner from the research population, as it amounted to (70) male and female students. In order to measure the two research variables, the researcher prepared a tool to measure the test of correcting errors in the interrogative style, and as for the other tool, the researcher prepared a test of deductive thinking.The researcher verified the (validity and reliability) of these two tools, and after analyzing the data, the study resulted in the following results: - The research sample is capable of correcting, but they have low deductive thinking, and the type of relationship is weak between correcting errors in the interrogative style and their deductive thinking. In order to complete the benefit, this research came up with multiple recommendations, and to complement this study, this research came up with multiple proposals.




