الدور العسكري لمولود مخلص - 1914م- 1918م


  • أ .د .م. حسن ضاري السبع
  • الباحث: حيدر عبد علي كشيش


     The research including Mouloud Mukhlis who became an officer with the rank of first lieutenant class of cavalry .within the ranks of the six the Ottoman Army present in Iraq with the Ottoman army in world war I against the British Occupation of Iraq in 1914 AD. Mouloud left the service in the Ottoman army after witnessing the way the Ottomans dealt with the wounded Arabs in the Ottoman army and his captivity by the British and a trip to India and returned to the Arabian peninsula to participate in the revolution announced by the sharif of Mecca in 1916 against the Ottoman Empire he had an important Military role in the Great Arab Revolt of 1916 AD and contributed to the organization of the Arab army and its leadership of cavalry Division and the Hashemite Brigade and participated in battles of North to Suria1918AD , wounding him and leaving for Egypt for the purpose of treatment.




