الفتح الاسلامي لاقليم اران


  • أ.د عباس خميس الزبيدي
  • هدى ياسين جواد


      This study deals with From the end of the Sassanid era onwards, the region of Aran became the focus of Muslims' attention. The need to spread Islam and strengthen the northern borders of the Arab Islamic state were the two important goals that attracted the attention of Muslims to the region of Aran, and other motivating factors such as the natural and economic characteristics of the Aran region led to the inclusion of the region within the conquests The Arab Islamic attacks began on Azerbaijan during the caliphate of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab in the year 18 AH and after the conquest of Azerbaijan was completed for them in the year 22 AH, they advanced towards the region of Aran and started in the city of Bab al-Abwab “Darband” and then continued their progress to open the rest of the cities of the region, which was owned by the Sassanids at the time. The time of the Caliph Othman bin Affan led by Habib bin Maslama Al-Fihri and Salman bin Rabia Al-Bahili




