أهداف التنمية المستدامة في كتاب علم الاحياء للصف الرابع العلمي


  • أ . د علي رحيم محمد الزبيدي
  • الباحث / حيدر حسين محمد دحام


          The current research aims to include the science biology book for the Scientific fourth class for the Sustainable development goals for the academic year (2020-2021) . In order to achieve the research goal ,the researcher did prepared a list of the Sustainable development goals which should be included in biology book for the Scientific fourth class after viewing group of literature , researches and previous studies and a report of the United Nations organization . The list was displayed in a group of experts and specialists in the curriculm and teaching methods to ensure their truth where the list was formed in its final from (17) main goal emanate from it (76) sub –items . Then the researcher analysed the content of the biology books for the Scientific fourth stage in the light of the list that was built and the analysis included the content of the book by (171)page. 

The researcher adopted the explicit and implicit idea prepared for the number recording repetition and unit for the census. The validity of analysis was confirmed by presenting it to a group of arbitrators then calculating the reliability of the analysis using the equation (Holsti) in agreement with outside analysts and the researcher himself over time. The results were shown that the biology book for the scientific fourth class achieved (17) sub-items at the rate of (22.36%)of the total items achieved in the standard which is less than the spoken percentage suggested by the arbitrators which was (70%) for the biology book for the scientific fourth class. . In the light of results of the research, the researchers came up with several recommendations including : 1- The balance in including the goals of sustainable development in the content of  biology books of the scientific fourth class and observing sequences and consistency with in the content of the book. 2- Paying attention to the neglected main goals and sub-issues that have not been achieved and working to include them in the content of the biology book for the scientific fourth class.                                               

The researcher suggested proposals from them – Conducting a similar study for the content of biology books for the intermediate stage and university stage in the light of the sustainable development goals.                                                  




