تطور التعليم الفني في المملكة العربية السعودية 1982 -2005


  • أ.د. بشرى كاظم عودة العسكري
  • الباحثة. الاء فخري عبد الساده الجبوري


The study aims to know the development that took place in technical education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period 1982-2005, and the importance of this type of education and the role it contributes to the development and development of the Kingdom through preparing the national workforce for the various sectors of the Kingdom, which constitutes a great importance and an urgent necessity. To develop the Kingdom’s economy and achieve its comprehensive renaissance, and for that, many industrial, commercial and agricultural secondary institutes were established, as well as technical colleges and higher institutes, and several plans and programs were developed for the purpose of developing technical education in the Kingdom. The orientation of many of them towards public education, as well as the nature of the Saudi society, which is not accustomed to this type of education, and for the importance of this will be highlighted (The Development of Technical Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1982-2005).




