التوجيه النحوي عند القدماء والمحدثين وأثره في اللفظ والمعنى


  • أ.د. رياض كريم عبد الله
  • فاروق فاهم جياد


 The research aims to know the grammatical guidance in language and terminology, and its importance among the ancient grammarians, scholars of readings, interpreters, rhetoricians, and in the science of prosody, whether in its explicit pronunciation or meaning.  Explaining its effect on the meaningful pronunciation in the Holy Qur’an and the speech of the Arabs, and mentioning what the hadith scholars have shown of the benefit of grammatical guidance by guarding against falling into error and being safe from confusion in accordance with the rules of guidance and the general principle that governs every activity of grammarians, and applying that in the various cases of parsing of the nominative, accusative, and lowered.  And also in the letters as required by the rules of grammar.




