A Contrastive Discourse Analysis of Iraqi and American Demonstrations Slogans
Demonstrations slogan is a significant tool for masses around the world to voice their opinions about public actions. It remains one of ways that the public use to show their approval or disapproval of their governments. The present study is an attempt to conduct a contrastive linguistic analysis of Iraqi and American demonstration slogans by adopting methodologies of political discourse analysis, particularly, van Dijk’s (1997). The study is based on data collected from American demonstration slogans during 2020, and Iraqi ones during Tishrīn (October) Iraqi demonstration which broke out on October 2019 and began to recede in April 2020. It stands to reason that, in spite of the differences in the political outlook in both Iraq and America, striking similarities warranted a single study, it has been found that the Iraqi and American demonstrations slogans actually underline mostly just some degree of similarity, but yet in ways divergent, if not distinct.