الجهود المبكرة وآليات النقد عند إحسان عباس


  • أ.م.د. إحسان محمد التميمي


discourse, mechanism, photography, introspection, place


It is difficult for the place of briefing a critical product that occupied the role of books, and the perseverance of researchers with its literary and monetary content.  It is truly the sheikh (the head master) of contemporary critics.  With his cash queen, high taste, and sober experience.  And a talent that the reader looks forward to as soon as he can see a small part of his huge product.  That is why this study will begin dealing with the most important mechanisms that Dr.  Ihsan Abbas has leaned in his critical speech.  They are mechanisms that derive their finishing from different cognitive and philosophical data framed by the taste side enjoyed by this delicate poet, the sense of dialogue, with his selected texts after the long research is paid as a friend of his friend interviews and dives with it as the sequence dives into the sea to pick up the text of the text- if this is true.  The description-and not expensive if I say:  He is the poet who is impatient for criticism and the critic of poetry.  He is a writer who did not dry out his pen and did not rust him until he passed away.  That is why this study sought to reveal the early efforts of this critic with the mechanisms that he relied on in his critic.



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- فن الشعر: د. إحسان عباس، دار الثقافة، بيروت – لبنان، ط3، (د. ت).

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