Gender role in Bronte's Wuthering Heights
: Feminism, gender role, social, status, politicalAbstract
The present study aims at dealing with and clarifying an important cultural phenomenon in a literary work which is called Feminism. At a time when patriarchy was so dominant and even with the king in place, few writers dared to address issues of gender and discrimination. However, Emily Bronte was a Victorian-era author who selected to directly address these issues of gender and discrimination. Wuthering Heights novel that is written by Bronte was evocative and powerful and as it presented in the current study, several females were probable to do and follow rules and obey, whereas male were regularly permitted to do whatever males wanted. However, to provide financial resources and right to domestic services within the family, men did not lose the legal obligation. The writer represents her thoughts on gender issues during this time through Wuthering Heights novel. This work includes feminism focusing on particular novel which called Wuthering Heights. It also highlights some important concepts such as prejudice, discrimination, stereotype, gender stereotype, first generation, second generation and them of Wuthering Heights as well as to conclusion.
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