نسق الإيهام النقدي: التبذير اللغوي في النقد الأدبي أنموذجاً نقد ثقافي


  • أ.م. د. حسين علي جبار القاصد


    It is expected and quite natural that we find a linguistic waste of the creator, whether a poet or a narrator; Often critics ask the creators of literature for something from linguistic economics. But for literary criticism to turn into a constructive piece full of thoughts and immediate impressions, without sobriety or awareness, this is something worth standing up for and discussing.

    Perhaps the saying (that the critic is a failed poet) finds a bit of emphasis in some critical writings; This is because some critics have nothing but language profligacy, and the dressing up of terms coming from the West, and quoting what Western critics have said, so that those who claim to be critical can study it with famous names and terms and enigmatic words, or even superficial words, and then lean on its fame, which has been given to it by the pulpits of media institutions, in order to fool the readers and market its ideas, or the ideas of its sponsor.

    I say: When criticism is motivated by fame, it is the ideas of the institution that sponsors it. The research sought to address critics who work for political and authoritarian orders to direct the literary work to a political orientation that is compatible with the discourse of power, so that the talk of the street is the talk of the authority itself.

   The research tackled some critical aspects, including some of the big names in cash. Some of them experienced their luck temporarily and then their name disappeared when the incident or period that forced their presence disappeared.

     The paper was able to discuss the pattern of critical delusion and the futility of language profligacy, and also to stop, when there are competition critics, improvising commercial criticism, which is an impressionistic criticism without any monetary approach, with the aim of pleasing the sponsor, who spends money on the tight critic.

   Here I am putting what I have worked hard to write, and I think it is an unprecedented experience and an area that cultural criticism has not entered into, if I fall into it and get blessed, and if I fail, I will have the honor of trying.




